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2021 in the world's coolest 49 city

For the past year and a half, you may have heard the word "New Normal".When a pandemic by the new colon virus occurred, humanity has entered a new era, and people's daily life has changed.

But now, it is being released from its bondage.The restrictions on the border have been alleviated, and bars, restaurants and clubs have resumed.The age of withcolona is still going on, but it is approaching something similar to a better normal state.

それは一体何なのか? これを知るには、周りで何が起こっているのかを見なければならない。2020年から2021年にかけて、私たちの都市は繁栄した。そして困難な状況にもかかわらず、コミュニティーは団結した。


Now, let's announce the annual "the coolest city in the world" here.This year, I had to change the ranking priority.In addition to food, drinks, nightlife, and culture items, it focuses on community spirit, recovery, and sustainability.

The results of the annual "Time Out Index" (approximately 27,000 people responded this year) are important criteria "coolness", "friendliness", "positive".The final ranking was determined in light of the light.

Check if the city where you live was chosen.

Click here for the original text

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