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Engadget Logo Engajet Japanese version of Pokemon GO: No.491 How to obtain Darkrai, different colors, weaknesses, measures (adult Pokemon re -entry guide)

Pokemon GO, which combines the most advanced mobile AR and the popular pocket monsters beyond generations.This is a "Pokemon picture book" for adults that summarize only the points for a former trainer who plays Pokemon after a long time and for the first Pokemon game.This time, the phantom Pokemon "Darkrai" of the "Diamond Pearl" generation.

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of.491 Darkri

全国図鑑番号:of.491 (Shin -Ow region, 4th generation) First appearance: "Pokemon Diamond Pearl" Nintendo DS 2006) Classification: Anko Pokemon English name: DARKRAI

Picture book explanation

"I have the ability to invite people to a deep sleep and show my dreams. I will work on the new moon night."

In -game data

Evolution: None Different: None Type: Akiru Weather Boost: Fog Weakness: Kakuto / Mushi / Fairy (× 1.6) resistance: Esper (× 0.4), Ghost / Akaku (× 0.625) Racial value: Attack 285, Defense 198, HP 172

How to get Darkley (as of October 2019):

・ Appeared as a legendary raid boss of the 2019 Halloween event (October 18th to November 2) announced Halloween events such as Pokemon GO, Dark Rai and Mimikyu Masquerade Pikachu

Darkry countermeasures Pokemon:

Engadget Logo
エンガジェット日本版 ポケモンGO:of.491 Darkri入手方法・色違いと弱点・対策 (大人のポケモン再入門ガイド)

Name number (example of recommended technique)

068 Kairiky (counter / Bashrizuri punch) 297 Halityama (counter / Bashrol punch) 214 Heracross (Counter / Infight) 468 Togekiss (Amele / Magical Shine)

ダークライは「あく」単タイプ。弱点は「かくとう・フェアリー・むし」。わざは「あくのはどう」(あく)、「シャドーボール」(ゴースト)、「きあいだま」(かくとう)の可能性があります。よってダークライ対策として有効なのは、かくとう・フェアリー・むしタイプの強力なわざを持ち、特に攻撃力に優れたポケモン。攻撃力が優先ですが、さらに「あく・ゴースト」、次点で「かくとう」に耐性があれば攻防ともに優位です。具体的に活躍するのは安定の格闘番長カイリキー、次席のハリテヤマ。ほか南米限定のヘラクロス、くさ格闘のキノガッサ、ほのお格闘のバシャーモ、どく格闘のドクロッグなど。フェアリータイプは相性が良くても攻撃力やわざの威力が低い場合が多いものの、タイプ一致のノーマルアタック「あまえる」の追加によりトゲキッスやサーナイトなどが有効になりました。ダークライのスペシャルアタックが「かくとう」のきあいだまだった場合、耐性のあるフェアリーはさらに有利になります。ポケモンGO:of.068 カイリキー 入手方法・色違いと弱点・対策ポケモンGO:of.297 ハリテヤマ入手方法・色違いと弱点・対策ポケモンGO:of.468 トゲキッス入手方法・色違いと弱点・対策ポケモンGO:of.257 バシャーモ入手方法・色違いと弱点・対策ポケモンGO:of.286 How to obtain Kinogassa and countermeasures

In the get challenge, the type that moves to the left, center, and right end.If you are not confident in the spin ball, it is safe to wait until you come to the center.The so -called circle fixing method can be used, but the movement of the threats is fast and large, and the hit judgment is returned quickly, so you need to get used to the timing.The method of fixing the circle is how to increase the probability of Excellent Throw using the size of the target circle that only changes when you have a ball or when there is a hit judgment (when you are not intimidating).。The method is 1.Put your finger on the ball and "hold", wait for the target circle to narrow to the extent just around the Darkrai face (inside the red collar) and release your finger.2.Wait until Darkrai is threatened.When you are intimidating, turn the ball and throw it when you return from the front.The moment the intimidation motion is over and the hit judgment is revived, it is successful if you just meet the target circle adjusted earlier.The probability that you can simply catch the legendary raid boss with a ball is very low, about 2%, but it is greatly improved by using only kin's sloppy, curved balls and Excellent throws.

Dark Rai Battle Evaluation: Yu

The attack is 285 in all Pokemon. It is the second highest in Mewtwo (300) and Lampald (295), which exceeds Reckouza (284). Furthermore, defense 198 is high, and HP 172 has cleared a certain level. Because it is a single type, the virtual enemy as an attacker is the "Esper Ghost" type. At the same time, it is a natural enemy that has a double resistance to Esper and is resistant to ghosts, as well as the weakness of the type "Akaku". Special attack shadow ball (ghost) has no type matching bonus, but Pokemon GO is one of the powerful works in both power and efficiency. Valid for the same "Esper Ghost". Darkley's rivals are Giratina (Origin Form), Mewtwo (Shadow Ball, which is excellent), newly implemented chandela (evolved from rare Hitomoshi), and bangiras (Iwa, Iwa). There are powerful Pokemon such as manula and Southern Dora. Each type is different, and the optimal solution varies depending on the situation, but Dark Rai is an advantage for the uniform type. If your opponent uses a type -matched Esper, ghost, it will be the best choice in many cases due to resistance. If a powerful ghost and an attacker is already growing up in a platoon, Dark Rai is a powerful Pokemon that has been raised comprehensively as an attacker for raids and gym capture.

Recommended technique composition:

Barkout (Aku) / Shadow Ball (Ghost) Barkout (Aku) / Akuno

Speaking of Dark Rai:

Pokemon appeared from the 2006 Nintendo DS "Pokemon Diamond Pearl" (4th generation). It is a setting that has the terrible power to invite people around you and Pokemon into a deep sleep and show nightmares. The one inhabits the "Shingetsujima", which is difficult to reach in a normal way. However, it is said that the movie "Dialga vs Palkia VS Darkrai" was sparse because of his power, but rather wasolated so that he could not get caught in a nightmare in an unwanted form. The name is probably easy to understand "dark" and "dark". It is DARKRAI as it is in English and many other languages. In the original game, it was rampant with a very high ability value, a dedicated technique dark hole that sleeps the opponent with a high probability, and a characteristic nightmare that continues to damage the sleeping opponent. Halloween event announcements such as Pokemon GO, Dark Rai and Mimikyu Masquerade Pikachu are the first to appear as a legendary raid boss at the 2019 Halloween event. Until now, the phantom Pokemon has been a lottery event, and it is necessary to take a long special research procedure, and it is limited to the invitation system, so it is a nice surprise that anyone can fight and get it anywhere. It is a very popular Pokemon because of the rarity of the phantom, the dark, dark atmosphere, and the performance in the original, and can also be used as a powerful attacker in Pokemon GO. The appearance at the Halloween event is not short until November 2, but it is a raid battle as much as possible to prepare elite individuals and earn training resources. Latest Pokemon GO News List

Pokemon official type compatibility table.Roughly speaking, "Batsugun!".6 times.About 2 if both are weak (double weakness) in two types.5 times.(Example: Attack with "Iwa" against the freezer of "Koori Hiko") The resistance is about 0..63 times."It has no effect" is about 0 in Pokemon GO.Damage is passed 4 times.

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