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[Holmes] If you buy a condominium of 40 million yen, how much is your property tax?Simulation by case | Useful information for housing

Property taxの仕組みと基礎知識

Property tax is a tax imposed on those who own the real estate as of January 1 every year.The annual burden will be paid in a lump or four times, and the payment period varies depending on the local government.

In the urbanized area, "urban planning tax" is also imposed along with property tax, and is added to the payment of the property tax.It is important to check in advance because many urban areas correspond to urbanized areas.

The detailed calculation method will be described later, but the property tax amount is calculated based on the "Property Tax Division Standard amount".

In the case of a newly built condominium, the property tax valuation value and the property tax section tax on the property tax will not be revealed at the time of purchase, and the accurate numbers cannot be known until the house survey is conducted.

However, it is possible to have a real estate company predict, so it is a good idea to consult in advance.In the case of used, you can check based on the amount paid by the previous owner.

Property taxのMethod of calculation

Next, let's take a closer look at how to calculate property tax.

Property tax評価額とは

First, I will explain the property tax valuation that is the foundation of the calculation.The property tax valuation is the price of the real estate registered in the property tax book, and it is important to note that the number of the real estate itself is different.

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism calculated 70 % of the "public land prices" calculated by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, so it is lower than the actual price.

Property tax評価額は変化する

Land valuation is reviewed once every three years, and may rise depending on the redevelopment of the surroundings.On the other hand, the building part deteriorates over time, so the valuation will decrease.

The aging of the building will be calculated according to the "aging depreciation rate" for each local government.

In the case of condominiums, the tax amount may differ even in the same building because the property tax of the land part is calculated based on the own area in which the site area is divided by the total number of units.

Property tax・City planning taxのMethod of calculation

Property tax is calculated by "property tax valuation x standard tax rate".Although the tax rate varies from local governments, in many cases the standard tax rate is 1.4 % is adopted.

In addition, the city planning tax is "property tax valuation x 0..I will calculate with "3 %", but this may also differ depending on the local government, so let's check it in advance.


新築と中古で違う? Property taxの軽減措置

Property tax has various reduction measures.Here, let's look at the specific mechanism.

Special example of residential land

For land used for housing, you can take the following reduction measures for both new and second -hands.


Reduction rate

Small residential land

(Less than 200 square meters)

Property tax

Evaluation amount x 1/6

City planning tax

Evaluation amount x 1/3

General residential land

(Parts exceeding 200 square meters)

Property tax

Evaluation amount x 1/3

City planning tax

Evaluation amount x 2/3

課税標準額とは、Property taxに限らず、税額を算出するうえで基礎となる課税対象を指すものです。

Property taxにおける課税標準額のことを「Property tax課税標準額」といいます。Property tax評価額に軽減措置などを考慮し、Property tax課税標準額を算出します。

この特例を利用することで、Property tax課税標準額が少なくなるため、当然ながら税額も軽減されます。

Special case of newly built houses

If you purchase a newly built apartment, if you meet the following requirements, the building will be "1/2 of 120 square meters or less for 5 years for long -term long -term excellent housing, etc.).You can take reduced measures.

As of June 2021, it is limited to the newly built property by March 31, 2022, and it is undecided whether the period will be extended in the future.

Building requirements

Exception measures for tower apartments

前述のとおり、同じ建物内であれば、Property taxは住戸の面積にしたがって計算されるのが一般的です。

【ホームズ】4,000万円のマンションを購入したらProperty taxはいくら? ケース別シミュレーション | 住まいのお役立ち情報

しかし、タワーマンションについては、本来高層階と低層階で分譲価格には大きな差が生まれるにもかかわらず、Property tax額には階数の違いが反映されない点が疑問視されてきました。

Therefore, due to the tax reform in 2017, tower apartments with a height of 60m or more are corrected to be higher on higher floors and lower floors.

<ケース別>4,000万円のマンションのProperty tax

Property taxのMethod of calculationや軽減措置について理解できたところで、ここでは実際に4,000万円のマンションを購入した場合のProperty taxについて計算してみましょう。

This time, the following conditions have been set for simulation.


また、Property tax評価額は、それぞれ購入価格の7割として計算しています。

When purchasing a new apartment of 40 million yen outside the urbanized area

このケースでは、「Small residential landの特例」、「Special case of newly built houses」を利用することができます。まず、土地のProperty taxについては、特例を適用すると以下のa formulaになります。

a formula

土地のProperty tax:1,540万円×1/6×1.4 % = 35,900 yen

また、建物については、Special case of newly built housesを適用すると以下のa formulaとなります。

a formula

建物のProperty tax:1,260万円×1/2×1.4 % = 88,200 yen

そのため、土地と建物を合計すると、最終的なProperty tax額は「12万4,100円」です。

If you purchase a 10 -year -old second -hand apartment with 40 million yen in an urbanization area

このケースでは、Special case of newly built housesを利用することはできず、「Small residential landの特例」のみが反映されます。まず、土地のProperty taxについては、先ほどと同じく以下のa formulaとなります。

a formula

土地のProperty tax:1,540万円×1/6×1.4 % = 35,900 yen

一方、建物については特例が使用できないため、a formulaは以下のとおりです。

a formula

建物のProperty tax:1,260万円×1.4 % = 176,400 yen

それぞれを合計すると、Property tax額は「21万2,300円」となります。

続いて、今回のケースでは市街化区域にあたるため、City planning taxも計算する必要があります。

City planning taxについては、居住用宅地の特例によって、土地部分の軽減措置を受けることが可能です。Method of calculationは以下のようになります。

Method of calculation

土地のCity planning tax:1,540万円×1/3×0.3 % = 15,400 yen

建物のCity planning tax:1,260万円×0.3 % = 37,800 yen

両者を合計すると、City planning taxは「5万3,200円」となります。そして、Property taxとCity planning taxを合計すると、最終的なBurdenは以下のようになります。


21万2,300円(Property tax)+5万3,200円(City planning tax)=26万5,500円

Although this case is just an example, it will be one guide when purchasing an apartment of 40 million yen.


Property taxに関する注意点

最後に、Property taxに関して注意しておくべきポイントを2つ紹介します。

中古マンションを購入する際にはProperty taxの清算を行う

中古マンションを年の途中に購入した場合は、購入時にProperty taxの清算を行います。

前述のとおり、Property taxは1月1日時点の所有者が負担をするため、本来購入者が負担するはずの分も、売主が代わりに納めることとなるのです。

Therefore, it is necessary to make a daily calculation based on the day of delivery, and the buyer must pay the seller to pay for it.

たとえば、7月1日に引き渡しが行われた場合は、売主が納めるその年のProperty taxのうち、半額を清算することとなります。

If you neglect payment, an arrears will be incurred

Property taxを納付せずにいると、延滞税が発生してしまいます。税額は自治体によっても異なるものの、負担が大きくなってしまうため、きちんと期限を守ることが大切です。

また、延滞が続くと、最終的にはマンションを差し押さえられてしまう可能性もあります。そのため、Property taxのBurdenと納付時期を把握したうえで、計画的に資金を準備しましょう。



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