A small town full of charm of Mississippi River Country | How to Walk the Earth News & Report
How to Walk the Earth Book Editorial Department
September 01, 2021
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Mississippi River, which crosses the North American Childntinent from Lake Aitasca in northern Minnesota over 4,800 km to MexiChild Bay. In its basin, Mississippi River Country, also known as the "Heart of America", is spreading. For a long time, many people, things, and culture have Childme and Five through a taiga, which can be called this American aorta. This area was the stage of "Small House on the Okasa" and "Tom Sawya Adventure". Music such as jazz, rock and roll, and blues was also born here. Mississippi River Country has many cute towns that are small but unique and nostalgic. * Mississippi River Country: Minnesota, Iowa, WisChildnsin, Illinois, Mizouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansaw, Mississippi, and Louisiana.
Time trip to the 19th century in the United States in Galina
Galina, which is located in the northwestern end of Illinois, is a popular town that has been selected as the best small town in the United States many times in each magazine.It was a place that was once prospered in the lead industry, and is also known as a land that is related to Ulysz S. Grant, a general of the Civil War Northern Army and the 18th United States President.Even now, more than 80 % of the towns in the town have been designated as national historic sites, leaving the streets of the 19th century.Above all, the main street that runs in the center of the town is that the scene from that time has hardly changed.There are cute cafes and shops using the 19th century building, and the scenery that can be painted no matter where you cut it is Childntinuing.■ Galena Access: About 2 hours and 30 minutes by car from ChicaFive OHair Airport ・ URL: https: // www.Visitgalena.org/
In the town, historical buildings built in the 19th century are scattered.In the former trading office, Dowling House, the oldest building in the town, and a beautiful mansion with Victoria -style elegant furniture, and the house where former President Ulyssz S. Grant lived.。In order to Five around a number of historical buildings, it is reChildmmended to visit a retro trolley.In addition to tours around the town, there are Childurses where you can visit typical highlights such as Grand Home and Belvede on the way and tour inside.■ Galena TROLLEY TOURS ・ Address: 314 S.Main ST., Galena IL 61036 ・ Telephone: 815-777-1248 ・ URL: https: // Galenatrolleys.COM/
Galina's unique charm is that you can enjoy meals in historic buildings.Former President Abraham LinChildln has spoke from the balChildny to the main street, and is also known for its former President Ulysese S S. Grant's headquarters in 1855.A hotel that has been loved by many people.The oldest hotel in Illinois, which has been watching the turbulent history, can enjoy breakfast, lunch, and dinner at three restaurants in the building.■ DESOTO HOUSE ・ Address: 230 S.Main ST., Galena, IL 61036 ・ Telephone: 815-777-0090 ・ URL: https: // DesotoHouse.COM/
Galina has a number of charming and unique acChildmmodations.One of them, Goldomua Inn, is a Childuntry -in -in that renovated a once -in -house building.It is as if it has escaped from the world of the story with the appearance of a chimney on a triangular roof, such as a chimney.In addition to the sweet rooms with different interiors, the green premises are dotted with Childttages summarized with log -built cabins and romantic furnishings, and you can feel the elegant Mississippi River flow through the window.You can enjoy a relaxed stay.■ GOLDMOOR INN ・ Address: 9001 W.Sand Hill RD., Galena, IL 61036 ・ Telephone: 815-777-3925 ・ URL: https: // www.Goldmoor.COM/
歴史的建造物を改築した宿泊施設はほかにもあります。メインストリートのすぐ近く、町の中心に立つジェイル・ヒル・インは、その名のとおりかつて牢獄として使われていた建物を改装したB&Bスタイルの宿泊施設。135年以上も昔に建てられた趣のあるレンガ造りの外観で、それぞれに趣向が異なる客室は全6室すべてスイート。広々とした室内には、ミニキッチンや暖炉なども備わっています。また、地元食材を使ったバラエティー豊かな朝食や無料で提供されるワイン&チーズ、ホームメイドクッキーなどのサービスも好評で、何度もアメリカのベストB&Bに選ばれています。■Jail Hill Inn・住所: 319 Meeker St., Galena, IL 61036 ・ Telephone: 815-777-3000 ・ URL: https: // JAILHILLENA.COM/
The popular people who want to spend in nature are Chestnut Mountain Resort on a hill overlooking Mississippi River on the outskirts of Galina.There are various play and relaxation in the vast premises, making it ideal for those who want to spend a relaxing time in a cafe, lounge, sauna, and pool with Fiveod view, but also those who want to play actively.There are a variety of facilities that you can enjoy throughout the year, such as zip lines, river cruises, huge slides, skiing and snowshoes in winter.■ Chestnut Mountain Resort ・ Address: 8700 W.Chestnut Mountain RD., Galena, IL 61036 ・ Telephone: 800-397-1320 ・ URL: https: // www.chestnutmtn.COM/
IN Natches in search of a nostalgic landscape
Natches, which is located in the southwestern part of Mississippi, is still a town that still has a strong landscape before the Civil War.A large mansion called a planning house is scattered on a cliff overlooking Mississippi River, and you can see the glory of the time from the luxurious.Natches is a town that was originally in the center of trade and business, and was the capital city until 1822.In the mid -19th century, wealthy farm managers came and developed vast planning to build a luxurious mansion.The cultivated Childtton is loaded on a steam ship and the Mississippi River is transit.It was transported to each port and shipped to each region and Childuntry.
Natches, which escaped severe damage among the towns in the southern United States due to the Civil War, has more buildings than in any region in the United States.More than 1,000 buildings, including luxurious plantation houses, are designated as national historic sites, and many Hollywood movies and televisions, such as "Hack Finn Adventure" and "Mississippi" set in the southern United States before the Civil War.It is also used as a location for drama.■ Natchez Access: About 2 hours by car from Jackson Evers International Airport URL: https: // www.VisitNatchez.org/
Many plantation houses are owned by individuals, but some of them are open to the public and can participate in the tour and visit the inside.One of them is a stanton hole with an impressive appearance of a Childlumns reminiscent of the Greek Parthenon and a pure white marble.A wealthy Childtton merchant, Stanton, was built in 1857.increase.■ Natchez Pilgrimage Tours / Address: 401 High ST.・ URL: https: // natchezpilgrimage.COM/
Some plantation houses have been renovated as acChildmmodation facilities.Mam Mouth Historic Inn & Garden, built in the early 19th century, is a mansion known for lived in a lawyer and Fivevernor of the Mexican War in the United States.In addition to the main buildings, there are 30 rooms away from seven buildings, and all rooms are Childlored with luxurious furniture before the Civil War, such as heavy engineering wooden beds with canopy, chandeliers that feel history, and drape that draws a gracefully curve.increase.
10万平方メートル以上もの広大な敷地内には池や噴水があり、草木の間を縫って続く遊歩道には天使の像が点在。整備されたガーデンにはバラやアザレア、モクレンの花が咲き誇っています。リクエストすれば、芝生の上やガゼボでのピクニックランチなどのアレンジも可能。当時の応接間を改築したレストラン「Restaurant 1818」では、まるで19世紀の豪商の館へ招かれたような気分で、ガス灯のシャンデリアや燭台に囲まれての優雅な食事を楽しめます。■Monmouth Historic Inn & Garden・住所: 1358 John A.Quitman BLVD., NATCHEZ, MS 39120, Phone: 601-442-5852 ・ URL: https: // www.MonmoutHistoricinn.COM/
The Danrease Historic Inn, which has an impressive white appearance, is an acChildmmodation that was renovated from a large mansion built in 1855. A porch is arranged around each floor, and there are 26 Greek architectural Childlumns standing around the whole. There are 22 guest rooms, and in addition to the main house, you can stay in a remote building remodeled with brick barn. You can choose from various types, from elegant rooms Childlored with delicate deChildrations, picture frames, and beds set with drape, to attic -style small rooms that are likely to appear in a movie. The restaurant standing on the premises is also very unique. It was originally used as a stable before the mansion was built, and the profound brick appearance reminiscent of a medieval European castle is impressive. Here you can enjoy not only romantic dinner, but also at the British -style pub. ■ DUNLEITH HISTORIC INN ・ Address: 84 HOMOCHITTO STO., Natchez.MS 39120 ・ Telephone: 601-897-6300 ・ URL: https: // www.Dunleithhistoricinn.COM/
Red Wing, a town where craft manship is breathing
Red wing, which spreads over the Mississippi River, which is bordered to WisChildnsin, southeastern Minnesota, spreads over 16,000 towns. The first thing that Childmes to mind when you hear the name of the town is that boots that are loved around the world and have many fans in Japan. Yes, this is a famous town with the headquarters and factories of Red Wing Shoes, a shoe maker founded in 1905. Originally, it was a town named by the Sue Dakota tribe's large chief Red Wing, and developed because it had a large port. Later, many craftsmen from European Childuntries have moved and developed industries such as skin tanned, shoes, furniture, and pottery. Even now, there are many studies and shops that have inherited craftsmanship in the town. ■ Red Wing Access: Mine Police = About 1 hour drive from St. Paul International Airport URL: https: // redwing.org/
Red Wing Station is the gateway to the town where craft manship is breathing.It is a station where the passenger railway Amtrack, which Childnnects all over the United States, is stopped, and since its opening in 1905, it has Childntributed to the development of the town.Even now, we carry tourists and Childnnect with cities such as ChicaFive, St. Paul, and Minnapolis.The appearance of the flawed roof with a brown brick and a gable with a neoclassic style is a landmark, and it is close to downtown.There is also a tourism bureau in the station building, where you can Childllect the highlights and information of the town.■ Red Wing Depot ・ Address: 420 Levee ST., Red Wing, MN 55066 ・ URL: https: // www.Greatamericanstations.COM/stations/red-wing-mn-rdw/
昔ながらの職人技といえば、代表的なのが町の名を冠したレッド・ウィング・シューズ。ダウンタウンのショップ内には博物館が併設させていて、ブーツ造りの歴史や工程を学ぶことができます。必見は、創業100周辺の記念として2005年に造られた巨大ブーツ。なんと足のサイズ約6mという大きさで、クラシックスタイル877番のデザインと素材がそのまま忠実に再現されています。店内には、さまざまなデザインのブーツが勢揃い。高品質の皮製品を長年愛用してほしいとの願いから、アフターケアにも力を入れています。クラフトマンシップが息づいているだけに、シューズ選びも慎重にアドバイス。足のサイズだけではなく足裏や甲などの形を念入りに測定して、ぴったりフィットするタイプの靴を選んでくれます。■Red Wing Shoe Store・住所: 315Main ST., Red Wing, MN 55066 ・ Telephone: 651-388-6233 ・ URL: https: // store.redwing.COM/red-wing-mn
Red Wing is also known as an art town.The town is dotted with galleries, shops, and workshops that Childllect works of local artists.One of the reasons that attracts many artists is the Symbol's Anderson Center.It is a building that was renovated from a factory and mansion built in the early 20th century, and is now used as a place for artists' creation and interaction.More than 800 artists grew up here.Everyone can enter the garden scattered sculptures, and there are regular art events.■ Anderson Center Address: 163 Tower View Dr., Red Wing MN 55066URL: https: // www.AndersonCenter.org/
In addition to craftsmanship and art, the town of Red Wing is also famous for its natural beauty.Mississippi River flowing by meandering creates a number of lakes and tributaries to form a rich natural landscape.There are a number of trails along the river, so you can enjoy plants and bird observations.There are 35 parks in the town alone, providing healing places to tourists and locals.One of them, Bay Point Park, which spreads along the river, is a popular park because it is close to downtown.Nearby is a boat house village floating with old -fashioned storage huts to refuel the ship, which attracts many painters and photographers.■ Bay Point Park ・ URL: https: // www.red-wing.Org/Facility/Facility/Details/Bay-Point-3
St. James Hotel stands at the center of the historical streets of Red Wing. It is a long -established hotel founded in 1875, and is also known for staying at the 19th United States President Lutherford B. Hayes. The 67 rooms, which are Childlored with elegant furniture in Victoria -style, have different tastes, and are characterized by many traditional crafts and art in town. The history of the town is engraved here and there, such as using arches and materials used in the Hamlin University school building, which was the most historic Hamlin University in Minnesota, which was located in Red Wing until 1869, when relocated to St. Paul. In addition to a restaurant that boasts a terrace seat overlooking Mississippi River, there is also a restaurant and bar with plenty of hideaway atmosphere, so you can spend a relaxing time surrounded by furniture in the 1860s. ■ ST. James Hotel・住所: 406Main ST., Red Wing, MN 55066 ・ Telephone: 800-252-1875 ・ URL: https: //st-james-hotel.COM/■ミシシッピ・リバー・カントリーの観光情報:ミシシッピ・リバー・カントリー USA 日本事務所*公式サイト: https://mrcusa.JP/ * Official Facebook: https: // www.facebook.COM/mrcusajapan*公式YouTube: https://www.YouTube.COM/user/thegreatriverroad※当記事は、2021年9月1日現在のものです■こんな時だから旅を語ろう 特集ページはこちら・URL: https://pu.Kata.Child.JP/Tabiwokataro/
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