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[Special project] [New year's special project] 2021 summary!"Gundam" is ranked in the 5th "Gunpla" selection #Twitter trend award that you want to make this during the year -end and New Year holidays!Introducing the main goods "Gunpla" --Hobby Watch

The Special Event

"Gundam" is ranked in the #twitter trend award!Introducing the main goods "Gunpla"

December 31, 2021 00:00

 At the end of 2021, I thought that Corona was calm, and the new appearance of Omicron stocks seems to be still uncertainty, but how are you all going?After all, many people are still working and studying at home, and it seems certain that the public is attracting attention to "fun at home".

 A large number of products were released in 2021, "Gunpla (Gundam plastic model)", which I am in charge of in this magazine.Many video works are scheduled to be released in 2022 as Gundam 42 years and 41 years of Gunpla 41 years.There are many gunpla in accordance with that, and it is imagined that it will be deployed as countless, and expectations are just expanding.

【PG UNLEASHED 1/60 RX-78-2 ガンダム】ガンプラ40周年を記念して発売された“解き放たれた”パーフェクトグレード アンリーシュド ガンダム(2020年掲載)関連記事Amazon/楽天で購入:

 In this magazine, I would like to summarize 2021 with the idea of "I want to make this gunpla during the year -end and New Year holidays! I want you to make it!"I will introduce five Gunpla that I actually made and felt "fun", "amazing", "cool" and "wonderful".Gunpla that continues to evolve is always wonderful to make.Even if you make it with a bare assembly according to the assembly manual, I think that a cool plastic model is wonderful even if you move it.

【小説版のHi-νガンダム vs ナイチンゲールを想像して再現!】バチィィィンッ!アムロのHi-νガンダムにビンタされるシャアのナイチンゲール関連記事

 More than multiple gunpla combines and reproduce the scene of the video, doubled fun, and it is interesting to combine another type of parts called mixing build!Just put a spider and the top coat improves the quality, and it is one step further with partial painting.I think that it will be very satisfying with all painting, and if you reach the diorama, you will not be fulfilling.It's still a difficult time in the world, and it's a good idea to face the Gunpla a little deeper at the end of the year.Let's take a look!

"RG 1/144 Hi-ν Gundam"

 Then, in 2021, I would like to introduce a Gunpla that I actually made and made.Click here for number 1!It is "RG 1/144 Hi-ν Gundam".It is very highly evaluated in the world without saying this, and it is an inevitable perfection that is a representative Gunpla in 2021.RG (Real Grade), a novel version of "Mobile Suit Gundam Counterattack Chara Bertrechika Children", reproduced in a series that drops specifications that can only be achieved on a large model of RG (Real Grade).It is Gundam that appears.

 I remember making it and I couldn't help it anymore.The characteristic styling is brushed up on the current standard, it is very cool when assembled, and in the settings, the finfannel is replaced with a colored part with color parts, so everyone imagined "Hi-ν Gundam".Finished.This example is made of a sample product from the manufacturer and is not currently at my hand.The other day, the lottery sales were accepted at the Hobby Online Shop, but the writer in the RG Hi-ν Ross also applied.It is a kit that you can make again and you want to keep it at hand.

【RG 1/144 Hi-νガンダム】RGならではの密度の高いディテール、スタイリングは見事の一言すばらしい可動性能を持っていて表情がとても豊かですフィンファンネルもパーツ分けで特徴的なカラーリングを再現関節の保持力も申し分なし。ガンガン遊べるこのキットはガンプラの歴史において語り継がれるものになるでしょう関連記事Amazon/楽天で購入:

"RG 1/144 Geong"

 Next, we will introduce "RG 1/144 Geong" from the RG series.The RG series has already evolved after 11 years since "RG 1/144 RX-78-2 Gundam" first appeared in July 2010.The kit is being kit one after another from the first Gundam, but the last boss "Zion" has been added to the lineup.

【The Special Event】【年末The Special Event】2021年総括!年末年始はこれを作ってほしい「ガンプラ」5選

 I think many people know Zeong, but the feature is that it has a fairly simple design because it appears in the story at the end of the story in an aircraft without legs.In the case of RG, it was designed not only for Heidi Tail, but also in the lumbar skirt, so that it could be moved well.When it is completed and moved, the impression of the settings is fluffy, and the details of the details placed everywhere, the inside of the armor that are visible and hidden by the movement of each part, the amount of information that the surface is visible and the surface of the surface has changed completely.rice field.

【RG 1/144 ジオング】RGならではのハイディテールでジオングをリニューアル“本来ならこうなるはず”という説得力がありますRGのとてつもない可動性能はジオング像を書き換えましたHG版との比較でその精巧さが伝わります関連記事Amazon/楽天で購入:

"HG 1/144 RX-78-2 Gundam [2020 Dubai International Expo Japan Pencil PR Ambassador]"

 Next is "HG 1/144 RX-78-2 Gundam [2020 Dubai International Expo Japan Pencil PR Ambassador]".This is a Premium Bandai or Gundam-based product, but it will actually be the latest HGUC series RX-78 Gundam.NO for the HGUC series.There is "HGUC 1/144 RX-78-2 Gundam" (Revive version), which is 191, but it is realized by adding and reconstructing new mold parts to reproduce unique coloring.I am.

 Eleven and 11 kinds of hand parts enable expressive poses, and brushed up such as adding burners to calf, such as adding a new money type despite the event limited version.It is a kit that has entered.Since there is no bazooka, it seems to be fun to reproduce the ultimate HGUC Gundam with the above Revive version and the ultimate HGUC Gundam.

【HG 1/144 RX-78-2 ガンダム[2020年ドバイ国際博覧会 日本館PRアンバサダー]】ビームサーベルを若干斜めに持たせられるハンドがいい表情を付けられますREVIVE版に準拠する可動性能カラーリングもかっこよく、ビームサーベルが2色構成なのに驚くニコイチで究極のHGUCガンダムを作るのもあり!関連記事

"HGUC 1/144 ξ Gundam"

 The movie "Mobile Suit Gundam Flash Hathaway" is an indispensable Gundam Topics in 2021.With over 1 million spectators, it has a huge hit exceeding 2.2 billion yen in box office revenue.From the same work, we will introduce "HGUC 1/144 ξ Gundam".It is noteworthy that the size is in size, the RX-78 Gundam is 18m, and the cassie is 26m high, and it is a huge mobile suit when viewed in the overall volume.The size of the kit released is regrettable, and you can feel the dinosaur evolution of the mobile suit from 0079 to 0105 in the universe century.

 Originally, 33 years ago, the aircraft designed for a novel was rebuilt in modern format without thinking about three -dimensional, so you can enjoy styling as a mobile suit, and if you assemble it, you can grasp the details of the details and "answer".You can also taste the feeling.In the article, we have built a limited edition "HGUC 1/144 ξ Gundam vs Penelope Funnel Missile Effect Set" (sample product) as a set with "Penelope", but the effects are not huge.I remembered that it was very difficult.

【HGUC 1/144 Ξガンダム】ミノフスキーフライトで空を飛べるガンダム現代風にアレンジされたスタイリングは文句なしにカッコイイエフェクトパーツでファンネル・ミサイル射出!エフェクトパーツの単体での一般販売求む!別売の「HGUC 1/144 ペーネロペー」と激突!大迫力のシーンRX-78ガンダムからこんなに大きくなりました関連記事Amazon/楽天で購入:

HG 1/144 Zaku II

【HG 1/144 Zaku II】ファン待望のHG量産型ザク

 I refuse first.The photo of "HG 1/144 Zaku II" introduced here is in 2020, but the release date of "HG 1/144 Zaku II" is December 2021, and early summer 2022.I will introduce this by the news of the "Mobile Suit Gundam Kukurus Doan Island" which was decided to be released."Kukurus Doan Island" is the story of the 16th episode of the TV version of "Mobile Suit Gundam", and it seems to be a very fun work to see how this is drawn on Gundam ORIGIN.As an old fan writer, I would like to wait for the release with applause and expectations.

【『機動戦士ガンダム ククルス・ドアンの島』超特報映像】

 The special news video allows you to see the "RX-78-2 Gundam" and "Gunpelli", which stand in the theater for the first time in 40 years.If Gundam comes out, the door of the door will also appear, and I can't help but expect that "Zaku Fight", which can now be said to be the legendary episode!?!Strangely, in December 2021, "HG 1/144 Zaku II" was released, so I would like to see "HG 1/144 Zaku II for Char's exclusively".I'm sorry that there is no example of the green mass -produced Zaku.However, I want you to release the theatrical version of Zaku, but in that case, is there a sentence in the package that says, "This kit does not come with Kukurus Doan"!?

【HG 1/144 シャア専用ザクII】とても作りやすく、スタイル抜群の新生HGザク可動性能も申し分なく……腰のスカートは軟質素材で足の動きに追従しますそのため脚を振り上げて……究極のザクキックを再現できます関連記事Amazon/楽天で購入:

The author's attention 2022 Gunpla

 Except for some, how was the Gunpla that appeared in 2021?I am sorry that the series has only been the cosmic century.In 2022, it seems that there are many Gundam video works "very".Even if it has been announced, the big titles such as the TV series "Mobile Suit Gundam Mercury Mercury Witch", "Mobile Suit Gundam Gundam Iron -Blooded Orphans Urfens Urshunt", and Hollywood's live -action version "Gundam"!If you are a fan, you will not be so happy.

 In addition, the movie version of "Mobile Suit Gundam Flash Hasaway San of Bright", the movie version of "G's Reconguista IV", and the movie "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED" are also planned in the future.I think that Gundam's main goods, "Gunpla", will be released with these works, and the renewal of the past kits is also planned.

【2022年期待のガンプラ】2022年1月 ENTRY GRADE 1/144 ストライクガンダム2022年1月 PG 1/60 ユニコーンガンダム ペルフェクティビリティ2022年2月 MG 1/100 ドム2022年3月 MG 1/100 リックドム2022年4月 ENTRY GRADE 1/144 νガンダム2022年6月 RG 1/144 ゴッドガンダム

 The above is only a few.The more fun of Doan Zaku and others (I expect it to come out) has also increased as fun.I think two types of EntryGrade models, especially "ν Gundam", are based on Fukuoka's "Large ν Gundam" in Fukuoka.We are looking forward to the local limited model with long -range finfannel equipment.

 If you have the renewal of the full MG "Dom" and "Rick Dom", and the "God Gundam", which is finally RG, with the movable performance cultivated in the "RG 1/144 Hi-ν Gundam" introduced this time.I think it will be a wonderful kit.Gundam Gunpla fans can't be looking forward to 2022.Then welcome a good year while making a gunpla!

© Sonori Sunrise

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