The secret of the night light paint "Kuromalite", which is only used in Rolex.(Forza Style) --Yahoo! News
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ROLEX ROLEX on the royal road.Rolex is the most popular in Japan, but do you know Rolex properly? Which Rolex do you like?It is wasteful to choose.Because for adult men, watches that you wear are directly linked to your status.This time, I will talk about the night light paint "Cromalite" that Rolex has independently developed and patented.
Why was the light paint developed in the first place?
Now it's a matter of course, but do you know how the glowing clock was developed in the first place? The beginning dates back to the 1910s.At that time, it was an era when street lamps were not yet set.It is easy to imagine that it was difficult to read the time from the dial when the area was dark.Therefore, by shining the long, short needle and the index, the watch was also adopted on the clock so that the time could be understood even in the dark (the function of night light is the person who performs the mission every day regardless of day and night in the army.It was an indispensable thing for us).
There is no kind of nightlight paint
To date, various night paints have been developed.It will be long to explain the origin and characteristics of each, so it will be quite rough here, but ... his radium (~ 1960s) used in the wristwatch → tritium (~ 1990s) → Super Minoba (around 2000)And follow the change.* There are two types of night light paint, called "self -emitting paint" and "light paint".As the name implies, the spontaneous light shines on the paint itself (by the way, it is difficult to understand in a bright place, but it is always shining).Since the phosphorescent is a thing that "stores light" as a letter, it emits light by absorbing and storing the surrounding light.・ Self -emitting paint: Tritium ・ Sprinkle paint: Super minoba and chromalite are classified.
What are the advantages and characteristics of chromalite? When did you adopt it?
ロレックスでは2007年頃からは独自に開発・特許を取得した蓄光塗料「クロマライト」を採用。スーパールミノバが緑色の光を放つのに対して、ピーコックブルーと呼ばれる鮮やかな青い光を放つのが特徴です。クロマライトの発光時間は、一般的な蓄光塗料の約2倍で、8時間以上も持続するんですね。2007年に発売されたミルガウスやオイスターパーペチュアルのカラーインデックスからクロマライトは採用されていますが、2008年に登場したディープシーによってクロマライトの知名度は大きく広まりました。水中のような暗い場所でも視認性を保つことが必要とされるダイバーズウォッチには明るくて見やすく、長時間光り続けるクロマライトはかかせない存在と言えますね。実用時計であることを哲学にしているロレックス。やはり夜光塗料においてもイノベーターだったんですね。Text:Forza style
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