West coast -like happy room!Vol.33 House to be used for white use with freshness and sense of omission | LifeStyle | Safari Online
A house that is a model for white use with a refreshing and sense of omission
S -house is a full -renovated apartment for more than 35 years.The rugged skeleton with beams and piping is finished on a white base, making the space feel refreshed and wide.Popping with your favorite furniture and the wall with the color of the color.The castle of the specialty of the spatial design is full of tricks that make you look stylish, from storing books and clothes!
- 西海岸的なハッピー・ルーム! vol.33
- Lifestyle Safari Magazine
S House / 1LDK / 64.The ceiling of 4㎡ bare is painted, and the wall -mounted kitchen gives a bright impression with tiles. The sofa is "Gel Bazoni" "ghost". Mr. S, who is involved in a favorite spatial design work with a clean and square line wearing a cotton cover. Her parents' home, which was handed over from her parents, was fully renovated for living alone. The reason he decided his request to House Rad is, "I'm looking forward to what kind of house if you order a gentle design for those who are good at industrial things that make use of the atmosphere that the years have brought up." What was completed is a home where you can relax alone, and your friends gather and get excited. Place a high table and a large sofa, when a lot of people gather, eat and drink around the table, and in the second half, sitting on the floor and relaxing is a classic party style. For a wide window, hang a curtain made of sheets dough with an S -shaped hook and clean it neatly. The retro atmosphere and the unbearable texture bring a soft expression to the room with the guest. There are also gimmicks to enjoy alone. Book shelves and closets are ordered according to usability. A bench is incorporated on the bookshelf. "The back cover of the book is surprisingly multicolored and restless," he said. The closet shelves are easy to see and take out of the sweater to the height of two. I enjoy living in a white -based space.
01 On the kitchen side where you spend a little time on the bench built on the bookshelf, you order a high -table that matches the counters tool.The top plate is Bianco Karara, which has a beautiful natural pattern unique to marble.Usually, as a dining table or desk, when a friend gathers, it can be used as a party counter 02 Bedrooms are dark blue, reminiscent of the deep sea, and the bedroom is partitioned by a lattice partition, making it look out.The wall on the bedboard side is molded, and the lighting is a beautiful chandelier type that is reflected on the ceiling.
INTERIOR POINT憧れの猫脚のバスタブで至福の時間背もたれのクラシカルなラインが美しい猫脚のバスタブ。平日は仕事で帰宅が遅くなることも多いSさんだが、週末はキャンドルを灯してバスタブで疲れを癒す。持ち運びできるプロジェクターからの映像を見ながらくつろぐのが、至福の時間なんだとか。
"By renovating full, the parts around the water have been placed. I ordered the cupboard and closet, and the size and color according to my usability. Surrounded only by what I like., Home time is too comfortable (laughs) "
この記事を読んで、自宅、会社のリノベーション、戸建てに興味を持たれた方は、是非下記アドレスにご連絡ください。『Safari』が、インテリアデザイン会社「HOUSETRAD」と一緒に、あなたのライフスタイルに合った住空間をご提案させていただきます。物件探しなどもお気軽にご相談ください。info_house@hinode.co.jp“古くなって捨てられるようなモノは、買わない、売らない、つくらない”が理念のリノベーション会社。個人宅以外にも、オフィス、店舗、オーダー家具までデザイン。専属の不動産アドバイザーもいるので、物件紹介も可能。住空間のスペシャリスト。住所:東京都目黒区中目黒1-9-3 ROJU NAKAMEGUROTEL:03-6412-7406Information● Housrad URL: www.HouseTrad.COM magazine "Safari" January issue P214-215 Published here for those who want to read more articles on "Happy Room"!
写真=松村隆史 文=中城邦子photo : Takafumi Matsumura text : Kuniko Nakajo
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