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[Yajima PC Watch] How to fly a paper airplane semi -permanently -PC Watch

Yajima PC Watch

(2013/9/11 00:00)

【Yajima PC Watch】半永久的に紙飛行機を飛ばす方法 - PC Watch

9月6日 公開

 There is a video on YouTube, "How to fly a paper airplane semi -permanently".And it is a way to do it at home.

 In the procedure, create a general paper airplane and fly it for the kitchen cooking heater.But that's it.The point is to make a small flap on both wings of paper airplanes.The paper airplane is now on the updraft made by a cooking heater, and continues to turn around over the cooking heater semi -permanently.

 It doesn't seem to be used in particular, but it seems to be difficult to put it on the updraft, and the contributor seems to have skipped 87 times to take this video.

 Because it is an overseas post, there may be few families with this kind of heater, but in principle, it can be reproduced with a frying pan on the IH cooking heater.Because it is a paper airplane, you need to be careful not to burn with a heater, but why not try it at home?

(Norihiko Wakasugi)

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