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Stir -fried minced meat and bitter gourd.The taste is decided firmly!(Esse -online) --Yahoo! News



Stir -fried minced meat and bitter gourd.

Universal seasoning comes in when you are busy!The dashi's umami and soy sauce flavors are included, and if you use them well, the repertoire will be expanded and the rice is completed very quickly!It is Hitomi Tsutsumi, a chef who taught me the crispy fried recipes of minced meat and gourd.

ひき肉とゴーヤーのカリカリ炒め。めんつゆでしっかり味が決まる!(Esse-online) - Yahoo!ニュース

Easy side dish recipe using mentsuyu

It is a good idea to leave a lot of minced meat!

● Stir -fried minced meat and bitter gourd

[Ingredients (for 4 people)] ・ Pork minced meat 300g ・ 1 goyer ・ A [Salt, pepper 1 tablespoon 1 tablespoon 1/2 tablespoon 1/2 red pepper 1 /1 red pepper] ・ B 1 tablespoon of juice] ・ Mixed nuts 50g [Preparation] Cut the gourd in half vertically to remove the seeds and cotton, and slice it diagonally. Garlic is chopped, and red pepper is torn except for seeds. Mix nuts are roughly chopped. [How to make] (1) Put the minced meat in a bat, etc., sprinkle A and mix well. (2) Heat the olive oil over medium heat into a frying pan, and drop (1) with a spoon about 1 tablespoon. Press it tightly from the top, crush it and harden, then bake for about 1 minute and return it to the edge. (3) Put bitter gourd, garlic and red pepper in a frying pan and fry for about 1 minute. (4) When the bitter gourd is soft, mix the whole and turn B. Add nuts and mix and serve in a bowl. [323kcal for one person]


<Point>ひき肉は、スプーンでかたまりになるようにフライパンに。しっかり団子にならなくても大丈夫。<撮影/山川修一 取材・文/Esse編集部>●教えてくれた人【堤人美さん】料理研究家。出版社勤務後、料理家のアシスタントを経て独立。雑誌や書籍をはじめ、企業のレシピ開発やCMの料理制作などで活躍中。著書に『家に帰ってスグおいしいホットクックごはん』(主婦と生活社刊)、『野菜はあたためて食べる!』(新星出版社刊)、『ザ・野菜ライス』(グラフィック社刊)など。

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