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Tears with a stray dog protected by the Greek protected dog shelter, tears (page 1/2 page)

ニュース» 2022年01月01日 21時00分 公開

There is no option other than "help".


 A video of a stray dog who came to the shelter for help was filmed on TAKIS SHELTER in Greece Jerapetra and released on YouTube.

 TAKIS, a protected dog shelter "TAKIS SHELTER", discovered a single dog crouching and trembling right next to the shelter.Despite being a little scared, there is no way for men to escape or get angry, and they show as if they were "helped here."


 The man tells his dog, "I felt it was safe here. I did the right thing. So I found you. Cute, let's go home."And I decided to call this smart dog as "Smart".

 Smart is shy and hidden in a small place, but I got used to the new environment, as I waved the tail and the amount of rice increased by the male call.

 The relationship with other dogs protected by the shelter is also good.Men are happy to say smartly, saying, "It's okay."


 The video shows a smartly sleeping smart figure in front of the fireplace.From the relieved expression, you can get a glimpse of the difficulties of the stray dog era.I hope that Smart will be able to spend a safe time in the shelter and find a new family.It was a wise and slightly shy smart video that warms my heart.


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