How about such an Ehomaki this year? We challenge the arrangement recipe to bake okonomiyaki thinly and wrap it around chopsticks! | AppBank
Setsubun soon!Eho in 2022 is "north -northwest".The rule of thumb is to look closely at Eho, and eat silently (so that the fortune does not escape from the mouth) without cutting the Ehomaki (so that the edge cannot be cut).Let's eat silently while making wishes.
This time, we will introduce the arrangement menu "Eineyaki" that is perfect for such a Setsubun.
"Kurukuruku Ebiyaki" made with food flour
Ingredients (2 pieces), Nissin Oyushi -yaki Paste ... 100g, eggs ... 1 piece / Water ... 120cc
[A] ・ Sakura shrimp… 2 tablespoons (small cut)… 2 tablespoons ・ Red ginger (chopped)… 2 tablespoons… 2 tablespoons… 1 tablespoon… 60g ・ Slythe cheese… 2 pieces… 2 sheets… 2 pieces
[B] ・ Sauce, soy sauce, mayonnaise, blue seaweed ... appropriate amount
This recipe found on the official website of the Nissin Flour Group.One -hand -type okonomiyaki made by wrapping thinly baked okonomiyaki around chopsticks.
It is quite difficult if you are not used to making thick rolls and using it.I tried to make it before, but it was difficult to roll it evenly, and the ingredients became a bad luck rolling down (laughs) This time, I don't use it, so it's very easy!
The point is to wind it in the hot!
Put your favorite grilled flour, eggs, and water in a bowl and mix with a whisk.
Add [A] to it and mix.I used pork that was cooked in advance.
Heat the hot plate (200 ° C) or a frying pan, fill the oil (outside the amount) thinly and pour the dough.I tried using a fried egg, but it was just the right size!
When the back side becomes bug, turn it over and bake it again, return it again and bake until the fire is passed.
When baked, wrap the chopsticks on the core and roll it from the edge.
Complete if you apply [B] ♪
[Verification] Will it really be lifted?
This is the completed Karuku Ebiyaki.It has become about the same size as a general Ehomaki.The cheese is melted and looks delicious!
I immediately grabbed the chopsticks and tried to lift it ... I laughed with a feeling of weight.Gya ~ Fortune runs away (laughs), is it so heavy?Can you go with chopsticks?Can I believe it?
I saw the seriousness of the chopsticks.Please see, it is an outstanding sense of stability!!!Because it was wrapped in a hot, the chopsticks and fabrics were fixed firmly and did not collapse at all.
Originally, it is legal to cut, but I cut it because I was worried about the cross section.Because it is a layer by wrapping it, 5 times the usual okonomiyaki is responsive.The texture is also sticky!If you want to grab like a real Ehomaki, it may be better to apply the sauce inside and wind it.With this method, you can eat without dirty your hands.
It is somewhat surreal to eat okonomiyaki silently (laughs), but it will definitely be a story!Eineyaki makes it easy to change the thickness and length, so it will be a menu that even small children can enjoy ♪
Manufacturer: Nissin Foods Product Name: Nissin Oyudoyaki Purchase Price: 372 yen (tax included) Official website: ☆ Karukuru Ebiyaki | Okotako Kitchen | Nissin Foods ☆
(Sentence / photo ☆ 3suke ☆)
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