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Opening more than this is the strongest way of making hot cooking curry (January 6, 2022) --Excite News

Among the many popular hot cooks recipes, "Chicken and Vegetable Curry (Aquestrian Curry)" has a particularly reputation for taste.

Once the ingredients are cut and set in the hot cook, just turn on the switch and wait for the finish.Even on a busy day, you can easily make exquisite curry that your child will be happy with.

I also like this recipe and repeat repeats.

And while I made it over and over again, I found a way to make less washing with a short time, as it could be said that it was impossible to make any more omissions.Today I will introduce how to make it.

材料:・トマト缶 1缶・玉ねぎのみじん切り(冷凍) 500g・カットしめじ 1袋・鶏もも肉 まるごと2枚・にんにくチューブ 適量・しょうがチューブ 適量・市販のカレールー 6~8皿分

Easy to make!

もうこれ以上の手抜きは無理 ホットクックの無水カレーはこの作り方が最強 (2022年1月6日) - エキサイトニュース

All you have to do is put the ingredients in the inner pot in order from the top, select the hot cooking "Chicken and Vegetable Curry (Athmetic Curry)" menu and start cooking.

To prevent burns, be sure to put the ingredients in the order listed.

As shown in the photo, the best point is to put the whole chicken thighs, which are troublesome for preparation and cuts.If you break it with chopsticks when it is completed, you can easily relax.

You will be surprised at the shape and softness of the chicken that you do not think you have put in the whole.

Despite the time saving, of course, the taste remains exquisite, so don't worry.

Try it on the day, "I want to eat warm rice at home, but I don't want to do housework or cooking!"

[Sentence / Anymama (Enimama) / Configuration / Grape Editorial Department]

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