The shime is melted egg+Chinese noodles!Sour and spicy and postponed taste "Pork sour (sunler) hot pot" (lettuce club) --Yahoo! News
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パンチの効いた辛い鍋が無性に食べたくなったら…。キムチ鍋やチゲ鍋もいいですが、ときには酢を入れて、酸っぱ辛い酸辣湯風に仕上げてみるのもおすすめです。初めて作るなら、"Pork sour (Sunler) pot"がおすすめ。豆板醤の刺激のある辛みを、酢の酸味でまろやかにまとめた酸っぱ辛いスープが絶品です。深みのあるいいだしが出るきのこもどっさりと入れて。豚肉には片栗粉をまぶすと煮込んでもパサつかず、スープに適度にとろみもつきます。具材をひとしきり堪能した後は、残った煮汁に中華麺と溶き卵を入れて、酸辣湯麺に! 最後の1滴までおいしくいただけそうですよ。■豚の酸辣(サンラー)鍋【材料・2人分】豚もも薄切り肉…150g、絹ごし豆腐…1/2丁、しいたけ…6枚、ゆでたけのこ…100g、万能ねぎ…2本、もやし…1/2袋(約100g)、煮汁(とりガラスープの素…小さじ1と1/2、豆板醤…小さじ2/3~1/2、しょうゆ…小さじ2、塩・砂糖…各小さじ1/2、水…2と1/2カップ)、シメの材料(溶き卵…1個分、万能ねぎの小口切り…少々、中華生麺…1玉)、塩、片栗粉、酢、粗びき黒こしょう【画像を見る】大根おろしであっさりアレンジ。きのこの旨みがしみ渡る「みぞれ肉だんご鍋」【作り方】1.Cut the shiitake into four.Cut the bamboo shoot in half vertically and cut it into 5mm width width.Cut the versatile green onions to 3cm long.Cut the tofu into 6 equal parts.Cut the pork in half, sprinkle a little salt, and sprinkle 1 tablespoon of potato starch.2.Put the broth ingredients, shiitake mushrooms, and bamboo shoots in a clay pot, cover them, heat, and boil them on low heat and boil for about 3 minutes.3.Add tofu, add pork one by one and boil, and when the color of the pork changes, add 1 tablespoon of vinegar to boil.Put a versatile green onion on the finish and shake the pepper as appropriate.Four.To shime in the pot, boil the Chinese noodles for 1 minute shorter than the bag display, add the hot water, add it to a pot that remains as appropriate, and cook for about 1 minute.Turn the melted egg and solidify it in a soft -boiled shape, and sprinkle it in a bowl and sprinkle the versatile green onions.(461kcal for one person, salt 4.5g Cooking / Kouki Kae Nutrition Calculation / Studio Food) It is also recommended to put a few kinds of your favorite mushrooms.The umami ingredients contained depending on the type are slightly different, so it is better to cook with several types of mushrooms than one type.It's a waste to say, "I couldn't use it halfway because it was halfway ..."Therefore, this is a "frozen mushroom mix" that puts several types of excessive useful use in a storage bag and freezes several types.If this is always in the freezer, it is convenient anyway, soup, pork, fried food, cooked rice ...!It is also recommended to buy a lot of mushrooms for frozen mushrooms.Sentence = Kumiko Saito
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