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Does "human expansion", which expands human abilities, makes people happy?[Cedec2021] | Mogura VR

CESa (CEDEC 2021 ", a game developer hosted by CESa (Computer Entertainment association), was held from august 24 to 26, 2021.stomachn this article, the keynote speech held on the third day, "Human augmentation: the future caused by human expansion," will be reported mainly in the parts that are closely related to XR (aR/VR/MR).

The speakers are Professor of the University of Tokyo/Sony CSL Fellow Junichi Junichi.stomachn a lecture, he explained the technical trends and the impact on society on the "Human augmentation (Human augmentation)", which has been attracting attention in recent years, with cases introduced.

人間拡張(Human augmentation)とは何か

The academic area that integrates the technology of enhancing and expanding human abilities by technologies and the exploration of human beings, which is the background, is called Human augmentation (Human augmentation).stomachn addition to intellectual abilities, the target area includes physical abilities, physical abilities, cognitive abilities, and human beings, as well as prosthesis of the disabled and the elderly and recovery of the ability.

Mr. Calenda says that the keyword "human expansion" has become a general term in recent years, as it has become a special feature of newspaper articles and magazines.stomachn addition, the term Human augmentation has emerged in the "Gartner's Hype Cycle", which indicates the trends of specific technologies, and in 2020 in 2020, one of the top 10 strategic technology trends selected by Gartner.stomachs also selected.

However, in fact, the concept of human expansion itself is not so new, and as a term, a in the 1950s..stomach.(artificial stomachntelligence、人工知能)とほぼ同じくらいの時期に生まれており、当初はstomach.a.(stomachntelligence amplification/augmentation、知能増幅)と呼称されていたとのこと。

a.stomach.とstomach.a.の比較例として、暦本氏は「鉄腕アトム」と「サイボーグ009」を提示。人間と同じような動きをするロボットや、自律的に動く機械やコンピュータシステムなど、人間の知能や能力を再現するのがa.stomach.技術なのに対し、stomach.a.Conversely, it is a technology that amplifies and expand human abilities.

The direction of human expansion is roughly four

In the University of Tokyo Human Aug Maintenance Donation Course, the direction of human expansion is greatly classified into four categories: “body”, “perception”, “existence,” and “cognition”.It is human expansion.

(Human expansion is roughly classified into four directions)


そしてこれらの中心にいる人間は、インターネットに繋がることで、単体の人間が拡張されるだけではなく、ネットワークで繋がった人間同士、あるいはネットワークで繋がった人間とロボット・astomachが相互に繋がりながら、ネットワーク全体として進化していくといいます。これを暦本氏はstomachoa(stomachnternet of abilities、Ability Internet)と呼んでいます。

Introduction of human expansion

Next is an introduction of specific cases."BUBBLE" that makes it easier to grasp goods with a device that uses air pressure, "Sottovoce" that allows you to understand the intention of human beings simply by moving your mouth using ultrasonic echo, and skin movements instead of ultrasonic echo."DERMA", which is sensing from itself, was introduced.





これに関連して、1995年に発表された「Glove Talk stomachstomach」が紹介されました。これはジェスチャーを音声に変換するというもので、デバイス使用者にとっては手や体を動かすことそのものが発話であり、声帯や喉・舌を動かすこと同等になっていると説明します。

(Glove Talk stomachstomach)

暦本氏はさらに、astomachと人間が直結すると人間はそのastomachの部分も含めて自分自身だと思うようになり(Human-astomach stomachntegration)、astomachと人間によるループで人間はさらに能力を発展させることができるだろうと語りました。

(Human-astomach stomachntegrationと呼ばれる、astomachと人間が一体化するような感覚)

Evolution of human expansion and interface


(Human-astomach stomachntegrationはインターフェースにも新たな形を生み出す)


(頭蓋骨に装置を埋め込むNeuralinkのBMstomach(Brain-Machine-stomachnterface)。BMstomachやBCstomach(Brain-Computer stomachnterface)はVRヘッドセットとの組み合わせも含めて近年活発に研究されている)

(アップルのairPods Pro。高性能なチップを搭載しており、astomachを活用した聴覚拡張インターフェースとしての可能性を秘めているという)

"Time" and human expansion

In the human expansion, Mr. Calenda says that time is a very interesting element.According to him, ZOOM recording and slightly YouTube videos.It is a kind of human expansion to see and listen at 5x speed, and that "operation of time is the highest as the ability to expand the ability."

Here, as a hypothesis that "if you can manipulate time virtually or lower your abilities, the way of sports and your practice may change significantly."An example of an experiment using VR was introduced.

人間の能力を拡大する「人間拡張」は人を幸せにするのか?【CEDEC2021】 | Mogura VR

(Experiment to verify whether VR contributes to human expansion)

(We produced a VR tennis court of the same size as the real space and conducted an experiment in it)

In the experiment, a "VR tennis court" of the same size as the real space is prepared.I practice hitting the ball back in the VR space, but the speed of the ball is variable.In addition, the feeling of hitting the ball is reproduced with tactile feedback.In addition, VR can record all the information on the racket and the ball, so you can see where the ball hit the racket / at what angle, / returned.

When I took the experimental data in this way, I dropped the ball to the racket by dropping the ball speed from the real space, and gradually returning the ball speed from there.I was able to confirm that I am improving.

(By reducing the speed of the ball, the ball is easier to hit the racket than the initial state (leftmost).

Ability Internet

人間がインターネットに繋がることで、単体の人間が拡張されるだけではなく、人間同士、人間とロボット・astomachが相互に繋がりながらネットワーク全体として拡張していくstomachoa(stomachnternet of abilities、Ability Internet)。これからはstomachoaが人間拡張の大きな方向性であり、stomachoaはこのコロナ禍において飛躍的に現実味を増し、今後も進化していくと暦本氏は言います。


ここで暦本氏は「ジャックイン(J Jack stomachn)」の概念を紹介。これはウィリアム・ギブスンのSF小説『ニューロマンサー』(1984)に登場した言葉で、サイバースペース(これも同小説から誕生した用語)に全人格が没入すること。VRや、近年話題の「メタバース」の究極の形とも言えます。

(William Gibsun's science fiction novel "Neuromancer" has hints on human expansion)

このジャックインを実現するためのプロジェクトとして、他人の視点を体験できる「ジャックインヘッド(J Jackstomachn Head)」が紹介されました。他人の視点映像はネットを通じて遠隔からも体験でき、まさにstomachoaの一例と言えます。

(他人の視点を体験できる「Jackstomachn Head」。頭部に装着して使用する)

(By jacking in from another person's point of view, it is also a simulated experience that you can not realize by yourself, such as bungee jumps and large wheels of the iron bar).

さらに他人の視点だけではなく、三人称視点で空間も含めてジャックインする「Jackstomachn Space」の可能性と研究事例も紹介。現実世界を3Dでリアルタイム再合成してその世界に没入する研究開発も進んでおり、いわゆる「ミラーワールド」や「デジタルツイン」は近未来社会の基本的なプラットフォームになる可能性を示唆しました。

(Jack in from the third person perspective, not the first -person viewpoint of another person, but also the surrounding view)

(空間にジャックインする「Jackstomachn Space」の研究事例。VRヘッドセットを使用するものだけでなく、「ケイブ型」と呼ばれる、周囲をディスプレイで覆う方式もある)

(In some cases, entering a virtual space using avatars)

(Jack indication of the type attached to the shoulder. It is starting to see the way to commercialization)

In addition, research has been underway to communicate remotely presence (telepresence) to the local side, which introduced examples of avatar robots.

(Avatar robot that realizes telepresses)

("Chameleon Mask" is one of the research. Attach an iPad to the head of a person and "jack in" to another person's body. It is difficult for an avatar robot to open and down the door and raise and down the stairs.Telepagen is also realized while clearing the problem)


Social significance of human expansion

The end of the session is about the social significance and position of human expansion.

(He also talked about the eternal proposition of "Technology makes people happy")

Mr. Arthur C. Clark's book "Profiles of the Future", which is also the source of the word "the well -developed science and technology is indistinguishable," says "Technology is a human."Quoted a verse of "invent".At the same time, we introduced the idea that the technology and humans have a relationship that affects the human behavior that uses the invention and creates further inventions.

Also J.C.R. Lickliderが提唱する「人間とコンピュータの共生」の考え方にも触れ、「人間が機械で拡張されるのか、機械を人間で拡張しているのかという議論は、まさに表裏一体のコインと同じ」と語り、さらにstomachoaはその相互作用を以前よりもずっと容易にすると指摘しました。

(Quoted from Arthur C. Clark's non -fiction "Future Profile", known as a science fiction writer)

(J J.C.R.LickLider was studying a paper on the interaction between humans and computers, as well as a computer network that leads to modern Internet).


For the agenda, "Is the evolution of technology, including human expansion, make people happy?"Introducing research that may be done.

Also, with the spread of mobile phones and smartphones, you will not be able to learn the phone number, you will not be able to write kanji due to the spread of word processors and PCs, and you will feel that foreign language skills have decreased due to the spread of translation software and improving performance.In the case of an example, there is room for debate whether mechanizing and automating everything leads to human happiness.

(It is said that the human brain will be "skipped" if others will replace the processing).

On the other hand, we have discussed research examples that "doing something yourself" makes humans happy, and introduced the idea that Self-Efficacy (self-efficacy) may be a major factor that leads to human happiness.

(There is a research report that if you make something with your own hands, you will lose stress regardless of the failure).

(Tableware for people with Parkinson's disease. Offset hand trembling with stabilization. It emphasizes "eating with your own hands" instead of a complete assistance by a machine).

The session summarizes that "human expansion technology contributes to human happiness, as well as other technologies, but the balance between efficiency and effect is important."It's over.

(In the development of human expansion, the balance between efficiency and efficacy is important. "Even if it is not necessarily effective in terms of efficiency, there will be a technique that you can do for the joy of being able to do it yourself."Says Mr. Hanamoto)

(参考)レキモトラボ、Human augmentation Research stomachnitiative

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