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Family's Household Treasure ... "Silver Tableware" If you notice "Black", asset defense media for the wealthy | Gentosha Gold Online

In this article, from the viewpoint of "preservation of assets", the reason why "gold" is superior to diamonds, platinum, and silver is the book by Etsusa Masuda, an economic analyst, "The asset formation and defense are still gold.(Wuck Co., Ltd.) will be excerpted and edited and explained.

It is not diamond, but "gold" that shines forever

No matter how long you have been sleeping underground for a long time, the pure gold will be dug out and shine from the moment you wipe off mud and dust.

This is a valuable nature that only gold is not oxidized in various metals that exist on the earth.

■ "Diamond is not an eternal shine"

A ambitious person, Cecil Rose, born in a poor British family, has led to a diamond mining in the Diamond Mine in the British South Africa, and has established a diamond mining company called Debias.

The company will be a major diamond supply in the Jewish German Oppenheimer family, who inherited Rose's after death.At that time, the excellent catchphrase adopted by Devisus was "Diamonds are eternal shine."

However, diamonds do not have eternal shine.Originally, diamonds are evenly crystals, even in the direction of the carbon element that exists enough to be swept and discarded on the earth.

一家の家宝…「銀の食器」気が付いたら「真っ黒」の衝撃 | 富裕層向け資産防衛メディア | 幻冬舎ゴールドオンライン

Because it shines transparently, it looks completely different from charcoal and coal.However, since it is originally carbon, it burns relatively easily.It starts to burn with over 3000 degrees.Even if a normal house is a fire, a heat of about 3000 degrees comes out.In particular, recent houses, especially built -in building materials such as petroleum chemical products, have become more burning efficiency, and they will almost certainly burn out.

What will remain after burning out?It is exactly the same carbon powder after burning charcoal and coal.In addition, it is easy to think that diamonds are hard and sturdy because the tools with artificial diamonds are used for processing such as carbide.

However, a diamond with a little distortion or distortion on the crystal can be completely broken, cracked, or distorted, even if it is applied only a slight pressure.

The appraisal price of diamonds that cracked or cracked naturally crashed.It is hard to notice that the value of a little twisted diamond is also greatly reduced.Many diamonds are cut into polyhesics that are calculated in the incident angle and reflection angle, giving them a glittering shine.

This gorgeousness can not be reproduced as calculated, even if the diamond itself does not notice the naked eye, and the appraisal price naturally decreases.If you look at it in this way, you can see that the shine of the diamond is not forever, but it is not really possible.

"Diamonds are more suitable for money for asset defense," are also on the market.However, it is not a good idea to have the role of protecting the wealth that has been accumulated for many years, such as diamonds.

\\2/10 Held // Thorough explanation of the tax system revision of the 4th year!"Tax saving measures" for managers and corporate owners taught by "Tax Accountants who are familiar with the richest wealth of Japan" 2022

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