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grape [grape] lifestyle It's hard to wash a grater! In such a case, let's make grated radish using what we have

By - Anymama Public: Updated:

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A grater is useful for making grated radish and condiments.

However, after using it, it is difficult to wash it. Since the grater is fine-grained, if you wash it with a dish sponge, the sponge may get caught on the blade and damage the sponge itself.

So this time, I will introduce how to make grated radish without getting the grater too dirty.

What you need is a grater and a cooking sheet.

First, prepare a grater and peeled radish.

Next, cut a parchment paper to the size of a grater and put it on top.

Then grate the radish.

Like this, you can grate it on the cooking sheet.

Transfer the grated radish to a bowl.

grape [grape] lifestyle Wash the grater

I grated it several times, but the edge of the grater only made a hole in the cooking sheet, and there wasn't much residue left on the edge of the grater.

After use, just use a brush to remove any remaining residue and rinse with running water.

This method is recommended because it allows you to easily grate the daikon radish without making the grater too dirty.

However, when you need a large amount of grated daikon radish, such as in a sleet pot, it may be better to grate it directly without using a cooking sheet.

If you are interested, please try it.

[Text/AnyMama/Composition/grape editorial department]

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