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Misato Kinouchi (Chocolate buyer Miri), who appeared in the NHK program "The World is full of things you want", started selling blue chocolate for the first time in Japan.

NHK 番組『世界はほしいモノにあふれてる』に出演の木野内美里(チョコレートバイヤーみり)が日本に初上陸させた青チョコの先行予約販売を開始


Category: Others

NHK 番組『世界はほしいモノにあふれてる』に出演の木野内美里(チョコレートバイヤーみり)が日本に初上陸させた青チョコの先行予約販売を開始 企業リリース | 日刊工業新聞 電子版

Release issuance company: Felissimo Co., Ltd.

昨年は「青チョコ」も放送されました。さて今回取材され放送で紹介されるチョコレートは!?フェリシモの『幸福(しあわせ)のチョコレート』は、7月13日より「幸福の青チョコ」シリーズ3商品の先行予約販売を開始しました。昨年8月にNHK番組『海外出張オトモシマス!』に出演した木野内美里(チョコレートバイヤーみり)がスタジオで紹介し話題となった青チョコ「ケルノン ダルドワーズ」は、今年チョコレートバイヤー歴22年目を迎える木野内美里が2009年に初めて日本に紹介し上陸させたフランス・アンジェのチョコです。デビュー当時500個程度だった売り上げが今や年間10,000個以上売れる大人気商品に成長。そんな木野内がNHKドキュメンタリー番組『世界はほしいモノにあふれてる』に出演することを記念しての先行予約販売です。今回の番組では、フェリシモのチョコレート専門サイト/カタログの『幸福のチョコレート』2018-19年ウインター&バレンタインシーズンに向け新たなチョコレート発掘のため木野内美里が訪れたオーストラリアを舞台に、チョコ旅の様子が独占密着取材を受け放送されます。《初回放送7/26(木)[総合] 後10:45~、再放送7/30(月) [総合] 後11:55~》◆「幸福の青チョコ」シリーズ3商品のご紹介ご紹介する青チョコは、お買い上げ金額の一部に「LOVE&THANKS基金」付きで、ガーナでの児童労働をなくす活動の支援に活用されます。驚きの青いチョコの正体はホワイトチョコです。中身はアーモンドとヘーゼルナッツのサクサク香ばしいヌガティン。想定外のおいしさで話題となり、登場以来、爆発的大人気。2018-19年シーズンもきっと誘惑される人続出です。6個入りの缶ボックスはフェリシモ限定。自分用にもプレゼントにもぴったりです。【人気定番】ケルノン ダルドワーズ1缶 ¥1,500(+8% ¥1,618)→うち15円は「LOVE&THANKS基金」として運用されます。(基金部分は非課税)・内容量 / 6個・サイズ / 缶:約4.5x4.5cm, height about 5cm (France) Details and Application >> HTTPS: // feli.JP/S/PR18071902/12/<< Series 3 Products Common >> Application Deadline: Wednesday, November 7, 2018: Mid -December to December 21, 2018 (Friday) 6 cans boxesIs limited to Felissimo.This size is recommended for big fans of Kernon Daldowers.Kernon Daldowers Grandios 1 can ¥ 4,400 (+8% ¥ 4,748) → 44 yen is operated as "LOVE & THANKS Fund".(Tax exemption is tax -exempt) ・ Contents / approximately 200g (approx. 24-26 pieces) ・ Size / can: Details and application of about 4cm in height (France) product >> https: // feli.JP/S/PR18071902/13/A blue chocolate that is extremely popular because of its deep blue impact, unimaginable taste.Chocolate buyer who flew to Europe in 2017 to find a new chocolate, found a blue chocolate "cousin" in Angers, France.Chocolate is handled by "La Petit Marqueys (France)", which works on "blue chocolate", and only Felissimo can be eaten in Japan.[Felissimo -only] Kernon Daldows Big Size 1 Can Can 1 Can ¥ 3,600 (+8% ¥ 3,885) → 36 yen is operated as "Love & Thanks Fund".(Tax exempt is tax -exempt) ・ 4 pieces (about 120g) ・ Size / box: Approximately 6 vertical.5cm, about 16cm wide, about 2 height.5cm (France) Details and Applications >> HTTPS: // feli.JP/S/PR18071902/14/The contents are mixed with nugadin to mix biscuits and hazelnut praline.Delivered in a cute package.* Package designs may change.◆ NHK program Misato Kinouchi (Chocolate buyer Miri) Appeared information program name: "The world is full of things you want" (NHK General Television) Broadcast Title: "Geki Uma & Geki Rare! Superb Organic Chocolate" Broadcast Date: "First Broadcasting Broadcasting"》 July 26 (Thursday) [Comprehensive] After 10: 45 -Revilation July 30th (Monday)Haruma, JUJU Talking: Shinichiro Kamio: Charismatic Bifer is the hottest chocolate country Australia right now!Mr. Kinouchi, a buyer, has discovered intense chocolate that has not yet landed in Japan all over the world.This time, in Melbourne, the advanced cafe culture, discovered “low chocolate” that is fashionable and delicious, and is attracting attention as a superfood!In Tasmania, an island rich in nature, I met a genius chocolatier who made the finest milk chocolate!Haruma Miura & JUJU melted chocolate that has not landed in Japan one after another!Program site >> HTTPS: // feli.JP/S/PR18071902/1/ * The following program flyers are distributed in limited quantities at Hankyu Nishinomiya Gardens stores, a permanent store of "Felissimo Cat Club".Nishinomiya Gardens store Twitter >>> https: // feli.JP/S/PR18071902/11/Impressions/reviews, rebroadcast requests >>> https: // feli.JP/S/PR18071902/2/ * I look forward to seeing Misato Kinouchi (Chocolate buyer Miri).Please write by all means.◆ Felissimo food buyer about Misato Kinouchi (chocolate buyer Miri).It has reached its 22nd year in 2018 as a chocolate project.Every year, we find chocolate with delicious and stories over chocolatier around the world.By June 2018, about 2,400 kinds of chocolates have been imported and sold, and the chocolate that has landed for the first time in Japan has been over 244 brands.In December 2012, the first book "Chocolate to the End of the World", which summarizes the basic knowledge of chocolate, the characteristics of chocolate by country, the work pattern of buyers, etc., utilizing my experience as a buyer so far (Felissimo Published).Published.Chocolate seminars are held in various places, and many media appeared.August 2017 NHK Documentary Program "Otomosimas for overseas business business!], July 2018, appeared on the NHK documentary program "The world is full of things you want."Photo Left: Misato Kinouchi (Chocolate Buyer Miri) Photo Right book "Chocolate to the end of the world" (Publishing Felissimo), "Chocolate to the End of the World" (Felissimo Publishing) >> HTTPS: // feli.JP/S/PR18071903/14/・ "Chocolate to the end of the world" (Felissimo Publishing) >> HTTPS: // feli.JP/S/PR18071902/10/10/Blog (Chocolate to the end of the world of chocolate buyer Miri) >>> https: // feli.JP/S/PR18071902/3/・ Twitter (@chocochoco_miri) "Chocolate Buyer Miri" >>> https: // feli.JP/S/PR18071902/4/・ Instagram (@buyer_miri) >>> https: // feli.JP/S/PR18071902/5/・ Facebook (Chocolate Buyer Miri ) >> https: // feli.JP/S/PR18071902/6/◆ Introducing the chocolate content world of chocolate content, the knowledge of chocolate, etc. ・ “Chocolate of Happiness” Site >>> https: // feli.JP/S/PR18071902/7/・ Twitter (@f_chocobu) >>> https: // feli.JP/S/PR18071902/8/· Youtube >> https: // feli.JP/S/PR18071902/9/◆ Inquiries 0120-055-820 (free calling charges) 0570-005-820 (Call Customer burden) (Reception hours: Monday-Friday/9:00 am to 5:00 pm) *If you cannot use "0120" such as a mobile phone, please use the number that starts with "0570".* Customers from customers are recorded to confirm and record the contents of your order.* The "0570" call fee costs 10 yen (excluding tax) per 20 seconds.* PHS and some IP phones may not be available.-Company Procedure: Company Name: Felissimo Co., Ltd. Headquarters Location: 59 Nanihana-cho, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Kazuhiko Yazaki, Chuo-ku, Kobe City: Kazuhiko Yazaki in May 1965 Business Details: Self-developed products are used in catalogs and websites.Direct marketing business/company information (PDF) that sells to consumers nationwide >>> https: // feli.JP/S/PR180101/1/Corporate Press Release To PrTIMES Top


* Prices, specifications, services, etc. of the products described in the news release are as of the date of announcement.Please note that it may be changed without notice.

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