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Former Antarctic observation ship "SHIRASE" becomes a spaceship!-Somulated space life experiment started (1) | TECH+ Mynavi News Mynavi

"Mock Space Life Experiment (SHIRASE EXP) (SHIRASE EXP (SHIRASE EXP."0)" started on February 23, 2019.

In Japan, the first private experiment in Japan, four people, including Yusou Murakami, who are called "the most Mars in Japan," participated.For 16 days, we will live together with various missions and verify the methods and skills of humans living in long -term space navigation.

What is that purpose and what is the goal you want?

Japan's first private experiment to explore how to live in a closed environment

The development of Space X's "Starship" and the development of "Olion" spacecraft and "moon track platform gateway" by the US Aeronautics and Space Affairs Bureau (NASA) are progressing, and the manned flight to Mars is a little bit, but the reality is a little bit.It's coming.

For the realization, building rockets and spaceships, of course, is important, but more important and more difficult is the question of "human beings can withstand long -term space navigation."

From Earth to Mars, it takes about half a year one way, even in the case of ideal position relationships.And the positional relationship will be aligned again about two years later, and it will take six months to return from there and it will take at least three years to return.In the meantime, we must always live with a few crew members (crew) in a narrow spacecraft and Mars residential pages.Therefore, it is often not yet known what happens to the human body and spirit, or how to prevent it.

This is the “Mock Space Life Experiment (SHIRASE EXP) (SHIRASE EXP) to identify such problems and explore solutions..0).The experiment is conducted by a non -profit corporation field assistant.Similar experiments have been conducted in overseas organizations and space organizations, but this is the first attempt in Japanese private sector.

Yusuke Murakami, the representative of the organization, is a 40 -year -old born in 1978.He has continued his exploration as a polar architect, interacting with humans and homes, and how to live in a harsh environment.

In 2008, he was an overwintering squad of the 50th Antarctic Observation Corps, and was engaged in global physical observation as a mission specialist at the Showa Base, Antarctica Observation Base in Japan for 15 months.As a deputy captain of the long -term mock Mars experiment "MARS160" conducted by the US Mars Society in 2017, the MDRS base in the Waine Desert, USA, and at the FMARS base on the Arctic Devon Island.He has a track record of examining various polar land, such as completing a 160 -day experimental life.

From this background, Mr. Murakami is also called "the closest to Mars in Japan."

In this mock space life experiment, four people, including Mr. Murakami, will participate as crews.

ベンザ・クリスト(Venzha Christ)さん
インドネシア出身。ISSS(インドネシアの宇宙団体ISSS(Indonesia Space Science Society)理事。今回の実験では、コマンダー(司令官)を務めるほか、エンジニアも兼務する。
今回の実験ではディレクターという立場でもあり、クルーの一人としても参加。クルーとしてはチームの副司令官、またクルーの安全と健康を担うHSO(Health & Safety officer)を務める。

Mock Space Life Experiment (SHIRASE EXP.0)

This mock space life experiment (Shirase EXP).0) will be held for 16 days from February 23, 2019 to March 10, 2019.

In this experiment, the "spacecraft" is a "Shirase" that once performed 25 Antarctic observations as the third generation of the third generation of Japan.

"Shirase" was retired in 2008, but now "SHIRASE 5002" owned by the WNI Meteorological Creation Center, which is now established by a private meteorological information company Weather News, etc.It is.

At the center, SHIRASE 5002 utilization plans were also raised from the outside, and there was a good match for the field assistant's proposal to do a mock space life experiment.

In the experiment, the inside of SHIRASE 5002 is divided into "spaceship area" and "earth area".Four crews stay in the spaceship area.The outside of this area is positioned as space, making it a closed environment.

In addition, a control room will be placed in a place that was an institution control room in the Earth area, and will provide instructions and support through communication with a crew.The controllers are Keitaro Kurihara (Secretary -General of Field Assistant) and Miho Ikeda (college student).With these two people, we will form a two -shift shift.

When communicating with the crew in the spaceship area, a 6 -minute time lag is set up to reproduce the actual communication with the spacecraft.Use English and Japanese for conversations between crews and communication with the control room.In addition, a doctor will be conducted.

The spacecraft area where four crews stay in the crew is two bedrooms in one room, a meeting room that communicates with meals and the Earth area, a room that exercises and training for maintaining physical strength, and warehousing., Shower rooms are set.All of these are facilities used by Antarctic Observation Corps in the past.By the way, all windows are blocked and cannot be exposed to the sunlight.

In addition, it is a three -shift shift because someone must always be happening in case of emergency.As only four hours a day, four people will have time, so they will eat, recreation, and communication with the control room.Nevertheless, because each life rhythm is very different, how the team can be organized is one of the focus of this experiment.

Meals use those that can be stored without using a refrigerator.However, it is not so -called space food, but an easy -to -use one, such as disaster food, freeze -dried, and retort.There are also cooking utensils and dishes, such as camping equipment, some are made of pottery and paper.

The idea is that we want to apply not only to Mars exploring but also to evacuation shelters in the event of an earthquake.

The drinking water that one person can use per day is 2 liters, and a total of 3 liters, 1 liter.Water for daily life can be showered once a day on the entire spaceship, and it is calculated to be put in a shower once every four days per person.

Then, the engine room where the ship engine is located is located out of the boat, that is, the outer space, and experiments on out -of -ship activities (EVA).In order to enter the universe, you need space suit, so in this experiment, take off the simulated space suit and reproduce it.Basically, it acts in a pair and performs out -of -ship activities that assume that broken solar cells are repaired.

This mock space suit, of course, has no performance in space, but it is complicated and heavy enough to borrow someone's help to wear it, and the inside is almost sealed, so air conditioning is required.The air conditioning battery has only been 4 hours, that is, you have to return to the spaceship area by then, and you can experience almost the same experience as EVA in actual space suit.

In addition, assuming a situation where holes are opened on the spaceship, a lifesaving equipment called "Rescue Ball" is also available.This is a balloon -like equipment that swells in the air, and a life maintenance device is built -in, and people enter and wait for rescue.

In this experiment, there are only two space uniforms, two rescue balls, and those who enter the ball cannot do anything, so the crew wearing a space suit carries a ball with a friend.I have to help.Depending on the timing of the training, the position of the wearing space suit and the side of the ball may be reversed.It is one of the purposes to see how to act at that time.

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