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Cleanly remove gargical oil stains and burnt!Cleaning method of "gas stand" [Basics of cleaning Yukinata Takahashi President] Vol.27



How to clean the gas stand

ガンコな油汚れや焦げ付きをしっかり落として清潔に!「ガス台」のお掃除方法【家事大学 学長 高橋ゆき的お掃除の基本】vol.27

毎日料理を作る際に使うガス台は、油の飛び跳ねや食品のカスなどで汚れやすいもの。そのまま放っておくと、汚れが固まったり焦げ付いたりして掃除が大変になってしまうため、ガス台は早め早めの掃除が肝心です。また、ガス台は食品を扱うところなので、衛生面からも常に清潔できれいな状態を保つようにしておきたいところ。そこで『kufura』では、今回も家事研究家で株式会社ベアーズ副社長・高橋ゆきさんが学長を務める「家事大学」のテキストなどを参考に、楽しく家がきれいになる“高橋ゆき流お掃除メソッド”をご紹介していきます。連載第27回目のテーマは「How to clean the gas stand」。ガンコな油汚れや食べ物の焦げ付きなどをしっかり取り除いて、清潔できれいなガス台にするための、楽ラクお掃除方法を見ていくことにしましょう。

First, put it in baking soda water and clean!

Since the gas stand adheres oil stains every time you cook, it becomes difficult to clean it over time. If you try to remove dirt and use a scourer, you can not only get the dirt removed, but also damage the material. Regarding the cleaning of the gas stand, it is recommended to start with the "pre -cleaning", which is used as follows and loosens dirt. By placing it in baking soda water that is resistant to oil stains, you can easily remove stains. If you use a garbage bag when placing it, the sink will not be sticky with oil, so cleaning after cleaning is very easy. (1) Spread the garbage bag to the sink and fill the hot water. First, spread the garbage bag to the kitchen sink, fix it to the sink using a gum tape, etc. It is recommended that hot water is 40-50 ° C, which is a little higher. The warmth is easier to loosen. (2) Put the baking soda and mix well, then add baking soda in the hot water in the pool and mix well. The ratio of baking soda and hot water is 1: 9. Please adjust the amount of baking soda while watching the dirt condition. (3) Put what to put in the baking soda pool, such as Gotoku, soup dish, grill net, sink into the baking soda pool made of (2). It is recommended that you put it in a coarse net and put it in the pool so that you do not lose any details such as a snack on the gas stand. (4) When you put all the things to be placed in the baking soda pool that squeeze the mouth of the garbage bag, remove the fixed gum tape, squeeze the garbage bag and seal. The guideline for placing time is about 1 hour. If the dirt is severe, it is OK to put it a little longer, but be careful as the surface may peel off depending on the material such as Gotoku.


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