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Junichi Tosaka, a freelance announcer, did you notice it because you were an announcer!? A change in my eight-month-old daughter


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Free announcer Junichi Tosaka I noticed it because I'm an announcer!? A change in my daughter who turned 8 months old

Junichi Tosaka, a 50-year-old freelance announcer who is also the father of a 9-month-old daughter. In this series, Mr. Tosaka describes how she raised her daughter and how she feels as a husband and father. This is the 4th installment in the series, and this is about my daughter's development. After eight months, she began to use different voices, and she was able to scramble at high speed. "Tosaka Papa 50 Years Old Family First" 4th [Image] Photo of Tosaka-san holding his newborn daughter

Junichi Tosaka Freelance Announcer What!? A change in my eight month old daughter

Use different voices to make requests

I love fruit in baby food

At the end of last year, I saw a musical at work. Whenever I go to the theater, I always feel that the human voice has infinite power. Of course, the voice is part of the expression of the whole body, but the “voice” that conveys the emotional lines and songs sometimes pierces the hearts of the viewers, and at other times pours down on them, inviting them into the world of the story. To go. I think the voice is the personality itself. Now, while raising my eight-month-old daughter, I feel like I'm witnessing the "beginning of a voice." From the time she was born until now, her expression has been crying out loud or laughing out loud. It was mostly these two. Recently, however, I have noticed that the types of "sounds" my daughter is making have increased. For example, when he is hungry, instead of crying, he first makes a sound to get my attention. Close your mouth and make a slightly nasal sound. When I hear that voice, I am 100% responsive and go to my daughter and say, "What's wrong?" Then my daughter smiles and makes requests such as "hold me" or "play with me". I tried to remember when I started doing it that way, but I can't remember clearly. I want to remember such a small change, but it's a little frustrating. However, I feel that my daughter's "sound" has clearly changed to something conscious in the past month from around 8 months to now 9 months. I'm looking forward to seeing my daughter's voice grow from sound to words.

Slides straight to the target at high speed

My daughter has been sneaking around the house lately. I am often amazed at how fast it is. When I was washing the dishes in the kitchen, my daughter was at my feet, and when I was getting dressed, I would play with the hem of the pants I was about to wear. The list goes on and on. I laughed when my daughter grabbed her own gauze and crawled around mopping the floor. The characteristic of my daughter's stubbornness is that she goes straight to the target she finds and sets as "this". I can imagine my daughter's character and individuality from the movement without hesitation. One of the rules we have in our house is to "hide things". It sounds grandiose, but the point is to put things away and put them away. The idea is to make the living space comfortable by thoroughly doing this in a limited space. For example, the living room only has a dining table, chairs, and a sofa. I hope my daughter will understand that it's a place to eat and relax, and I think this decision will also serve as a safety measure for her. Last year, before my daughter was born, I inspected the environment in my home assuming she would move around like she does now. At that time, my husband and I checked things several dozen centimeters above the floor to see if there was anything that the baby could reach or that could be dangerous if touched. The first thing I noticed was the outlet. Since I couldn't move it, I bought an outlet cover to cover the places I could reach. Next, we installed a small display shelf on the wall so that the charging cords of smartphones and PCs do not stick to the floor. The biggest change is the wall-mounted TV. If the TV is within reach, she will definitely touch it, and in some cases, she may knock it over and injure herself. It's been a few years since I bought it, so I decided to buy a new one and hang it on the wall. Now that I see my daughter crawling around touching the walls and doors, I'm glad I made the arrangements.

Next page: An unexpected favorite is the "tag" for fabric products

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